Found 8 Coaches
Elodie is a well-being and self-development expert. Happiness coach, Healing & Ayurvedic therapist and Inner-creativity activator. She helps women to bring balance, self-care, self-confidence, love, alignment and joy into their life. She beautifully and magically leads single women, mothers, [...]
France 74140
Embrace Your ADHD, Embrace Yourself
Unlock Your Potential, Harness Your Focus, & Thrive with Your Neurodivergence
I help ADHD women gain a better understanding of their strengths and challenges, so they can enjoy a higher quality of life without burnout and [...]
United Kingdom MK3 7NY
Hi, I'm Steph!
I'm a women's coach with a background in Psychology and Positive Psychology. I believe there is more for you in this life and I know you're here because you believe that too.
I created 'Her Journey' because guiding women [...]
United Kingdom Thorpe Bay
Thea is a pioneer in busting the myths of perfectionism, transforming women’s performance and fulfilment at work and happiness at home. Her unique coaching style combines a deep non-judgemental compassion with powerful insights and frank conversations about how to take [...]
United Kingdom RH17 5SD
Kath helps busy mums who care about the planet to make their difference without burning out. Create time for YOU. Reconnect to what truly makes you happy. Realign with your vision for the future.
United Kingdom L19 3RB
Are you suffering from grief over what has gone?
Scarlett specializes in bereavement, grief and loss. She will sit with you, companion you and assist you to find your new ‘normal’ where you can find a sense of peace. [...]
United Kingdom N8 9TD