Found 47 Coaches
My mission is to inspire others to live according to their values and give them the strength and power to believe in themselves and implement change. I provide opportunities and resources for others to connect with themselves to discover [...]
Sweden 423 41
Dr Jane Lewis

Jane helps women rediscover joy, connection and purpose in their lives. She is a leading expert on forgiveness, and now specialises in helping clients integrate their spiritual and energetic side with their business/career. With 25+ years as a coach, [...]
United Kingdom OX7 5EU
Bilingual (English/French) Women’s Wellbeing & Leadership Coach for women lawyers and women in the international charity sector.
United Kingdom
When the things that have defined us change and our foundations feel unknown it’s time for new skills to bring life back into focus. Victoria takes people from overwhelm to understanding, with as much joy [...]
CV32 7RA
Life is so precious – yet so many women spend it in a state of overwhelm, wearing their “busy”ness like a badge of honour. Life CAN be lived in a different way -on your terms…full of joy, fulfillment [...]
United Kingdom Oxford
Sarah is a One of many Certified Coach and Trainer. A playfulness expert with over 15 years in the industry, Sarah brings a unique energy and safe-space to the profound transformational work she delivers.
Sarah works in-house for the One [...]
United Kingdom DA4 9AT