Lara Pletcher Certified Coach

  1. Lara Pletcher Certified Coach
Winchester, United Kingdom SO21 3RY

Lara enjoys working with women and men who find themselves who are wanting change in their lives, particularly in their careers, whether it be looking for a new job, recovering and making plans following burnout or developing skills to make an impact at work.  Clients will go away with tools helping them to make an impact in a masculine environment and developing great practices for self care and work life balance.  She has had experience of working as an HR director in an SME in the EMEA region, she is a trustee to a charity outside of work and is a mother to a teenager.   She exudes empathy and her clients have found the coaching life changing.

Clients often arrive with a feeling of overwhelm.  If clients are women they’ll go away with knowing how to harness their hormones to be useful in life, and learning how to work with their cycles so they can thrive.

Clients leave a coaching programme with their lives changed for the better and a zest for life.

"Working with Lara has been just what I needed.  I have had various types of counselling before but the life coaching sessions were a whole new approach for me.  Lara has a great approach to her work; she manages to combine friendliness with professionalism.  I was amazed how well she kept me focused on the tasks in hand whilst still allowing me to vent and ramble when I needed it.  The tools she suggested have been amazing and I really feel that I now have a set of approaches that I can go back to as and when I need them."

"Before: I was struggling at work and home, feeling like I’m doing a lot but not doing anything well. My relationships with both others and myself were getting only worse and I was feeling constantly tired, stressed, and overwhelmed.

After: I am recognizing parts of myself again while also seeing a lot of improvement. My relationships have gotten so much better, both in personal and professional life. The conversations and tools have helped me to improve the areas where I was struggling and reconnect with my feminine side. Additionally, I have learned how to lead differently, instead of running on cortisol and adrenaline."

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Phone: 07989556541
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