Found 166 Coaches
Anna supports women in leadership positions to bring clarity and structure to your life ensuring you have a positive work-life balance and confidence to lead in the way you want. She will help you find yourself through [...]
England NG9 5HL
What would you do with your life if you had extra capacity?
“You hold far more power and potential than you’ve been led to believe. You can live boldly in alignment with your true vision while fiercely protecting your peace, [...]
As a coach Collette is insightful, friendly and respectfully challenging – helping you reflect, take stock and be a little braver with the choices ahead. She helps move your perception of what’s possible from ‘can’t do’ to ‘could do’ [...]
United Kingdom SL90ER
Tabitha teaches women the secret to fulfilling intimate relationships that grow through coaching face to face or online. She is most known for helping strong independent single women avoid years of fruitless dating and ultimately never settle again, based [...]
Shirley supports you to connect your inner and outer worlds so that you have more energy and insight to live out your values and unique mission in the world.
London, United Kingdom
Nicky has a senior corporate career behind her, but chose to step away from that to follow her passion for developing and empowering women. With a big heart, strong intuition and experience of mental health challenges, trauma and [...]
Gloucester, United Kingdom GL4