Found 4 Coaches
Hi, I'm Steph!
I'm a women's coach with a background in Psychology and Positive Psychology. I believe there is more for you in this life and I know you're here because you believe that too.
I created 'Her Journey' because guiding women [...]
United Kingdom Thorpe Bay
Anna supports women in leadership positions to bring clarity and structure to your life ensuring you have a positive work-life balance and confidence to lead in the way you want. She will help you find yourself through [...]
England NG9 5HL
Catherine is a leadership empowerment coach. She helps successful women to make the impact they want to without burning themselves out. By creating a work-life dynamic that enables them to fulfill their career aspirations, whilst also being [...]
United Kingdom GU34
A coach specialising in pre and post menopause; helping you to find your purpose, your joy and your clarity through a time of change.
United Kingdom Rugby