Found 10 Coaches
Louisa helps high-performing women create radically satisfying, fruitful, contented and energised lives. She is a leading coach for Careershifters, an experienced theatre performer, with a former career in international tax and runs her own career change/transition and career development [...]
United Kingdom Brighton
Dominique is Soft Skills Energizer, Transformative Leader, and The Queen of Possibilities.
Romanel-sur-Morges, Switzerland 1122
Ann Hill, a passionate leadership coach, helps women reignite passion, redefine purpose, and reshape their lives and careers with courage and fulfilment. She believes wholeheartedly in in the incredible power and potential of every woman.
United Kingdom DY10 3AP
Dagmar helps female expat professionals to (re-)connect with their inner wisdom, get back in the driver’s seat of their life, and transition successfully at work – by tapping into their feminine power and boosting their inner leadership.
Netherlands Leiden
Andreia is a passionate health and life coach, enabling the potential within women and helping them be their healthiest, happiest selves. With a tailored programme, she will help transform the areas of your life where you’d like to see [...]
London, United Kingdom TW1
Maggie Rose Cunningham

Are you a highly sensitive hero with big dreams? I help ambitious and emotionally intelligent professionals move from experiencing their sensitivity as a problem to relying on it as a core leadership strength