Found 167 Coaches
Dr Liz Taylor

Liz is a practicing GP who specialises in coaching medics. She provides support for colleagues who want to avoid burnout, find a better work-life balance, make informed career/life decisions and feel more in control of their work and workload.
United Kingdom NW3
Have you always felt a bit different? Like you didn’t quite fit in? Maybe you didn’t come here to fit in… maybe you came here to shake things up…
United Kingdom London
I support STEM professionals progress in a career they love, through understanding their authentic self, so they can flourish in a balanced life.
United Kingdom RG28 7EJ
Dr Laura Shallcross

Laura supports women to unstick themselves. After burning out due to crippling perfectionist tendencies, she is passionate about helping women to unleash their potential and see the person they are instead of the stories they tell themselves.
United Kingdom NN29 7
With 25+ years of senior leadership experience in architecture, business consulting and fine art, I coach and mentor purpose-driven professional women to avoid burnout, re-engage with their vision and find empowering, sustainable and fulfilling ways to work and live.
United Kingdom London
Christine has a career history of working in IT, and transitioned to coaching to fulfil a passion to support others. She is keen to work with other women working in male dominated areas. She is striving for [...]
United Kingdom sk7 2ey