Found 15 Coaches
It can be really scary when you reach that certain age and realise that the ‘promises’ of your pension aren’t going to come to fruition and there are still so many things that you want to do with your [...]
United Kingdom DE13 8TL
Carol draws on her wide experience in publishing to support women, who have knowledge and experiences they wish to share, to find the capacity, courage, clarity and confidence, so they can write their stories and craft their books.
United Kingdom HR9 7WZ
Are you Destined for More?
If your inner voice silently keeps whispering that there is more to life than the one you are currently living, then look no further, Selma will help you rediscover yourself and tune in to your [...]
United Kingdom G51
Helen works with people who are carers, who have become focused on the wellbeing of others. Causing them to ignore any feelings of overwhelm, anxiety and stress, which can manifest itself as physical ill health symptoms.
Helen’s intention is to [...]
United Kingdom MK40 3RH
Andrea Yearsley is a Rapid Transformational Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Fulfilment coach. She works with successful, intelligent women who want to put the sparkle back into their lives.
United Kingdom CF82 7GH
Vickie’s mantra is “Life begins when you’re ready”. Are you ready to experience life fully with your heart open using some incredible tools that have supported hundreds if not thousands of women in the OOM community? Have you ever [...]
Scotland EH26