Tansy Muller
United Kingdom SE19 3TU
Tansy has been a carer for most of her life - as a young carer to a current carer.
Tansy is the mother of two young people with complex additional needs who need a lot of support from her to cope with life and all that it throws at them.
Until recently, she was also caring for her mother who had Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease.
As you can imagine, Tansy's life was hectic and she lived in a state of constant exhaustion as her mother needed 24/7 care as well and her children continue to need care. Tansy was also juggling her caring roles with a very demanding job and trying to keep up with the housework and her other responsibilities.
Tansy realised too late that not looking after her own needs led to her "burning out" and she found herself was out of action for six months - "weak as a kitten!" and needing care herself.
During her time recuperating, Tansy decided that she needed to focus her coaching on women like herself - to try to support them before they hit burnout themselves. To empower and share strategies that would enable them to move from overwhelmed, anxious and stressed to feeling calmer and more in control - despite their caring role.
Tansy really understands how difficult live as a carer can be. Isolation, a lack of understanding and support and knowing how to access that support and the services you and the person you care for are factors which can take a serious toll on your emotional, physical and mental health and energy.
Tansy was a teacher for 25 years and, after having her children, found her favourite place to work – supporting people with disabilities and their families to have a better quality of life. Advocating and campaigning for Carers to be acknowledged and appreciated for the work they do.
As well as being known as The Carer's Coach, Tansy is also a :-
Certified One of Many coach
SFBT Solution-Focused Counsellor, Coach & Group facilitator
NLP master practitioner
Qualified Mediator
Advocate for carers
SEN consultant (specialising in Transition)
Workshop Facilitator & Trainer