Lisa Thompson
I am a midwife and lactation consultant passionate about supporting women to make the choices that are right for them. Midwife means 'with woman' and this is an important aspect of my vocation in terms of the women I serve, the women I work alongside and the women in whose footsteps I tread.
Coaching allows me another way to both honour and serve women across all stages of their lives. I use the One of Many framework to help women identify their values, learn to nurture themselves, create boundaries and invite magic into their lives so that they get more fun and more flow at home, at work and in their relationships.
Some of my clients are women struggling to combine motherhood with other commitments, others are learning to mother despite a lack of adequate mothering themselves. Some have come to motherhood through trauma and I can also offer Three Step Rewind, a very gentle therapy suitable for anybody who has experienced a difficult birth or postnatal experience.
Many clients are working in the public sector, struggling to serve in the way they are passionate about and feel wounded by the systems they work in. My experience across health, education and police services gives me insight into these difficulties.
One client said recently: "Ten weeks ago I was a mess... Now look at me - I'm no longer a passenger in my own life!"