Found 89 Coaches
Rebecca’s passion is to engender harmonious and sustainable leadership and purposeful growth.
United Kingdom ME13 7BL
Anna supports women in leadership positions to bring clarity and structure to your life ensuring you have a positive work-life balance and confidence to lead in the way you want. She will help you find yourself through [...]
England NG9 5HL
I work with Women who feel like they’ve forgotten, or never got to know who they really are. Whether through motherhood, life experiences, relationships or an unfulfilling career path. Using the power of feminine energy I’ll partner with you [...]
United Kingdom PE27 5EB
Joanna Pieters

Impact, presence and interview coach and trainer for women leaders with purpose | Strengths-led career support | Training, mentoring and coaching
United Kingdom SE14
Caroline works with mission-driven women who want to reconnect with their passion and purpose; building a career that truly lights them up, fits with the life they want to live, and makes a positive difference in the world.
United Kingdom LU7 2QS
Life is so precious – yet so many women spend it in a state of overwhelm, wearing their “busy”ness like a badge of honour. Life CAN be lived in a different way -on your terms…full of joy, fulfillment [...]
United Kingdom Oxford