Priya Joshi
Priya is an experienced coach and mentor who specialises in helping working mothers with young children go from frantic and overwhelmed to calm, happy and balanced. Using her expertise, wisdom and life lessons, Priya understands intimately the strains and stresses of modern day working mothers and using various tools, practices and her intuitive approach, together with her intuitive sense and her zest for the cause, Priya helps mothers to blossom in life, work, children and relationships, often far beyond client expectations.
Her mission lies in grounding the children of today in balanced, loving, calm homes where they can thrive, feel seen and feel heard and grow up into confident, emotionally resilient and happy adults. This is where the work with mothers plays such a crucial part.
Priya has been an NHS doctor for almost 25 years, and has seen the effects of the younger blueprint years in later life though her roles in the health system. Her wisdom and pragmatic common sense, combined with her compassionate, yet direct approach when needed, have earned her high praise from all her clients. She is a trauma survivor, has extensive knowledge of spiritual and mindset tools and enjoys communication as a whole. Her role with the University of Cambridge is primarily to teach communication skills to medical undergraduates and she continues to flourish in this field.