Joy Borman

  1. Joy Borman
Joy Borman


One day, you will remember this moment,

The exhaustion and weight of a thousand expectations
Pressed upon your shoulders like great slabs of concrete.

And you will wonder,
“How did I carry it all?”
But let me tell you this:

You are not meant to live life on your knees,
Dragging yourself through days like treacle

Juggling demands of a world that’s impossible to keep pace with.

Here is your invitation to slow down.

What is it I really want? You whisper.

It shall be found

Not at the end of another to-do list.

Not at the moment of another accomplishment
But within in the quiet space where wisdom lives.
And you will know as sure as your own hand

“I am enough.”

Joy Borman, The Smiling Coach


Feeling like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Constantly running at full speed but getting nowhere fast? Like it’s never truly enough?

You’re not alone—and you don’t have to keep spinning your wheels to move forward.

Imagine feeling completely switched on to the deliciousness of life—every cell in your body lit up by the joy of the moment. Free from burnout, endless second-guessing, and that constant hum of “Am I doing enough?” Imagine being fully present, grounded, and able to savour life’s moments without guilt or worry.

As a certified women’s life and leadership coach and trained embodiment facilitator, I work with women who are drowning in expectations (both internal and external), weighed down by responsibilities, and desperately craving space to breathe.

Together, we’ll realign your life to what truly matters so you can step off the treadmill of “doing” and start being
—more present, joyful, and fulfilled. More you.

Using embodied coaching, proven coaching frames and the OOM female powertypes, I’ll help you reclaim your energy and reawaken your vitality—free from the pressure to perform and the weight of “getting it right.”

Ready to create a life that lights you up? Book a free consultation today and take your first step towards a life that feels truly, unapologetically yours.


"I noticed that after nearly every session with Joy, when I next saw my husband, I would feel an inner leap of "I love you", not because I had talked about him particularly during the session, but because somehow it felt like there was space inside of me (again) to feel this feeling." Grace Frame


"I am so grateful for our work together. It is 100% the best financial investment I have EVER made." Melanie Burrows

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