Belinda Bronjewski (Natural Vibe)

  1. Belinda Bronjewski (Natural Vibe)
Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom HP1 1HU

Hi, I’m Belinda Bronjewski of Natural Vibe in Hemel Hempstead, Herts, UK.

Belinda lovingly provides Peri-to-Post-Menopause Health, Fitness & Life Coaching that empowers those feeling stuck in the meh of menopause symptoms. Typically this means not knowing what to do or where to start unravelling the what feels like one hot, discombobulated mess of a midlife, or maybe feeling like Superwoman and close to burn out.

She's a postmenopausal woman of 59 - passionate about holding space and advocating for women who’ve decided they need help transitioning through this 3rd life phase in a way that meets them where they are right now.

It’s about addressing their immediate, problems by getting to the root cause and supporting them to implement THE BASIC, SIMPLE FUNDAMENTALS OF LIFE & LIFESTYLE that most people are not doing due to information overwhelm!

Skills: Personal Training, Massage, Nutrition, Power Plate, Nordic Walking, Women’s Life Coaching.

Previous Career: Human Resources.

*** Empowering midlife women through Mental Fitness as well as Physical Fitness ***

Contact Information
Phone: 07796 696141
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