Dr. Katelyn Gilmour
With over 25 years of experience within the life science sector, Katelyn has held demanding and dynamic roles in academic research, the NHS and the biotechnology industry, all whilst juggling the demands of family life. Through her own challenging experience, she discovered the power of coaching. She has learned that to be the best version of yourself means listening to both your intuitive and experienced self in all that you do. She will help you recognise problematic patterns and encourage you to commit to manageable intentions to get you to the life you want, rather than the life that you think you ‘should’ want.
Katelyn works with those women struggling to find their confidence in fast-paced, high-pressured working environments, where the power of the ‘no’ can create a whole lot of ‘yes’ when it comes to happiness and fulfilment. Teaching you how to get the most out of the ‘One of Many’ tools, combined with deep self-reflective questioning, she will help you uncover what is holding you back from achieving what you want and she will empower you to seek your version of success in all areas of your life.
If you are telling yourself, you are ‘too busy’, ‘too tired’, ‘not good enough’ or ‘too indecisive’ to go for that promotion, return to work after maternity leave, take on that leadership role, change your career or start that business, it is time to get a coach. With the powerful tools, you will uncover what is really stopping you. Recognising that you may need some help to achieve change is step one, getting a coach is step two. Katelyn will help you design your next steps and hold space for you as you create your next life chapter from a place of calm control, with a joyful spring in your step!
Now, doesn’t that sound lovely?