Dr Hannah Roberts
Struggling to manage it all? Feeling lost when it comes to, ‘what’s next?’ Hi I’m Hannah, I coach women and gender diverse people with a #STEMM background to find self-confidence and design a career that feels purposeful while balancing the things and people that mean most to you. Today we live in a unique point in history where we are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet, some of which need scalable #STEMM solutions. I believe we need more women and gender diverse people in leadership across all sectors to ensure that those solutions are fit for all members of society. Have you ever felt like your career unfolded in front of you, the next opportunity presenting itself to you? Perhaps you got stuck in the capability trap – ‘just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean that you should’? Maybe you feel like you had so much potential but somehow you didn’t quite fulfil it and now you are trying to figure out your next steps with a lack of self-confidence? You may not feel like you have the capability or capacity to lead but I see your potential and you are truly remarkable. That’s where I come in. The CAREER DESIGN MASTERMIND programme has a 6-part strategy to move you through and secure a stage of career design every 4 weeks, helping you to reach and leverage your ‘transition point’. Is consists of an online course, fortnightly coaching and in app high-accountability system. I am uniquely positioned as a scientist, mum of 3 with a background in both corporate and academia, becoming managing director of a spin-out before pivoting into coaching. I have clients spanning 6 continents and I’m a certified One of Many Women’s Leadership Coach and Trainer with the Professional Certified Coach credential from the International Coaching Federation. I don’t believe that you can make good career decisions when you are overwhelmed, resentful or feeling not good enough. That’s why I advocate making the current situation as good as it can be while simultaneously overcoming the thoughts, beliefs and behaviours keeping you small and defining and taking micro actions towards what you do want each and every week. Having worked with thousands of clients and leadership networks, I know exactly how to help you design a “career for fulfilment” (geared for personal satisfaction and balance) and a “mindset for making a difference” (through leadership). Elevate your career. Get started for free https://hannahnikeroberts.com/services/free-resources/ Ready to deal with this once and for all? Book a signposting your next steps call https://calendly.com/hannah-nike-roberts/15-minute-meeting