Alexandra Slack

  1. Alexandra Slack
Luxembourg Luxembourg city


  • Are you a woman lawyer, legal or service professional struggling to balance work demands with the other important things and people in your life?
  • Do you want to progress our career to the next level, but you’re feeling stuck in a system that doesn’t recognise your skills, talents and all the hard work you’re putting in.
  • Or maybe you’ve done everything right, but you’re left wondering where you went ‘wrong’ with your career choice?
  • Perhaps you feel tied to your career, but you’d secretly love to be doing something else?
  • Are you scared of not ever reaching your full career potential?
  • Do you wish you knew what to do next?
  • And that you had the courage and self-confidence to do something about it?

Hi, I’m Alexandra!

I empower women lawyers and other ambitious, big-hearted service based professionals to create careers they love, whether inside or outside of legal (or their current role) so they can be free to enjoy their lives and their work.

I believe you have the capability and capacity to reach your potential, and that you are uniquely placed to be able to do just that.

That’s right. Even if you don’t yet know what you want, or how to get it. Even if you don’t believe you have the confidence, the time or the energy to figure that out. You can, and I know because I’ve been there.

As a former dual-qualified international lawyer with almost two decades’ experience, I’ve had my own share of professional transitions: within the legal field from private practice to European institutions to in-house, whilst also shifting practice areas, through to coaching, training and entrepreneurship, all the while juggling motherhood, and navigating life as an ex-pat.

I know how hard it can be to have the courage to listen to the whispers of your heart, to follow the breadcrumbs of your own happiness and develop yourself in new ways professionally – even when others think you’re crazy.

As a certified co-active coach and One of Many Women’s Coach and Trainer, with the associate certified coach (ACC) credential from the International Coach Federation, I have coached hundreds of clients across at least 3 continents, and understand the depth and nuances of life as a lawyer and service professional and the career constrains and opportunities this brings.

The themes of curiosity, creativity and courage permeate my coaching approach as my own journey has been one of exploring my curiosity, recognising and reintegrating my creativity and taking courageous and conscious choices in my career to allow in more of what I want and less of what I don’t.

My coaching programmes balance the deep work of personal reflection by examining the thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that keep us stuck, and the more strategic, action-focussed work of career visioning, career design, structure and goal-setting.

Find your way back to personal wholeness, and career satisfaction through coaching with me.

Book a complimentary introduction to coaching with me here to find out more :

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