A One of many® Certified Women’s Coach.

Each of these women has been through our rigorous training, feedback and certification process. She is skilled in applying our cutting edge tools and methods to help you up-level in your life.

We have coaches with specific interests such as wealth, leadership, vitality, executive, relationships, business…. As well as coaches who work more broadly on confidence and women’s power.

You can use our nifty directory to find a coach near you - although do note that many of our coaches also work virtually on Zoom or similar.

If you find a coach you resonate with, please reach out to them directly with your enquiry.

Explore our tools, and transform your life with a tailored coaching program from a One of many® Certified Women’s Coach


As women we feel the call to step up: to be more, give more, be of greater service in our work, families and communities. But we often feel stretched too thin. Perhaps a little out of control.

If the demands on your time mean you are not getting to do those things that are most important to you- we highly recommend you get support.

And the best kind of support?

Which level of coach is the best fit for you?

Certified Coach

All of these women have completed our Coach Certification and so are fully qualified as One of Many Certified Women's Coaches.

Certified Coach (Associate)

Some have completed our Coach Certification and regularly work with us "in house" to support women just like in our programmes. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Associate".


Certified Trainer

A small group have gone deeper with the work and have done further training with us. They are certified to teach the tools to larger groups having additionally completed our Trainer’s Certification. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Trainer".


Certified Trainer (Associate)

A small group have gone deeper with the work and have done further training with us. They are certified to teach the tools to larger groups having additionally completed our Trainer’s Certification. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Trainer".

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Sharon Strickland-Clark

  1. Sharon Strickland-Clark
Sharon Strickland-Clark
United Kingdom MK18 2FB

Sharon works with women who find themselves in a life transition and struggling to find a powerful way through.  Harnessing the concepts of Soft Power and balancing the Powertypes through whichever challenge they face, these women become courageous and step out into the world to be their most authentic selves.


Clients say that Sharon “can see the truth of a situation and help you navigate through tough times with grace, love, kindness and humour” and this happens because a key aspect of her work focuses on growing a richer sense of self.


Helping strong, capable women who have become paralysed by life’s challenges find their brave so that they can then travel their path in their full Soft Power can be life changing and Sharon supports them along the way until they are ready to walk with confident ease and a wee bit of sass!


So if you’ve heard the inner cry of “why the hell can’t I do this?” or “this used to be easy, what’s changed this time?” and you are committed to silencing them for good, make contact with Sharon and see if she can help you along the way to your vision of your future self.


“You are held in a safe and strong place when working with Sharon


“Sharon is a rocking coach who can keep you motivated, hold a space for you with compassion, and makes you laugh with her ace sense of humour! I highly recommend her!”


Contact Information
Phone: 07842 855740
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Explore our tools, and transform your life with a tailored coaching program from a One of many® Certified Women’s Coach

One of many® 2014 - 2024