A One of many® Certified Women’s Coach.

Each of these women has been through our rigorous training, feedback and certification process. She is skilled in applying our cutting edge tools and methods to help you up-level in your life.

We have coaches with specific interests such as wealth, leadership, vitality, executive, relationships, business…. As well as coaches who work more broadly on confidence and women’s power.

You can use our nifty directory to find a coach near you - although do note that many of our coaches also work virtually on Zoom or similar.

If you find a coach you resonate with, please reach out to them directly with your enquiry.

Explore our tools, and transform your life with a tailored coaching program from a One of many® Certified Women’s Coach


As women we feel the call to step up: to be more, give more, be of greater service in our work, families and communities. But we often feel stretched too thin. Perhaps a little out of control.

If the demands on your time mean you are not getting to do those things that are most important to you- we highly recommend you get support.

And the best kind of support?

Which level of coach is the best fit for you?

Certified Coach

All of these women have completed our Coach Certification and so are fully qualified as One of Many Certified Women's Coaches.

Certified Coach (Associate)

Some have completed our Coach Certification and regularly work with us "in house" to support women just like in our programmes. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Associate".


Certified Trainer

A small group have gone deeper with the work and have done further training with us. They are certified to teach the tools to larger groups having additionally completed our Trainer’s Certification. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Trainer".


Certified Trainer (Associate)

A small group have gone deeper with the work and have done further training with us. They are certified to teach the tools to larger groups having additionally completed our Trainer’s Certification. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Trainer".

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Nathalie Baron

  1. Nathalie Baron
Switzerland Lavigny

Are you feeling stuck in a career that no longer seems to suit you?  Do you feel the call for a shift and want to reinvent your career, but don't know where to get started?
Or maybe you know you are at the right place but lack leadership and visibilty to fully show up?
What if it was time for you to decide to have the life you want rather than the life you can?

As a professional coach, strategist and facilitator in the fields of Career Management, Women's Leadership and Personal Branding, Nathalie can guide you to reconnect with your talents and inner leader, design a project that resemble you, and create the professional lifestyle you deserve. What really motivates her is to inspire, reveal and mobilize your potential and uniqueness to help you live a fulfilling and  meaningful career . She combines her skills and know-how with the amazing Tools of One of Many to offer tailor-made programs to professional and executive women who want to feel aligned, powerful and impactful without sacrificing who they truly are.

Before developping her own coaching and training business, Nathalie had worked for 10 years as a Purchase and Sales Manager in Retail , a challenging context where she had to deal with the rules of a very masculine environment. Not really prepared to that, she struggled to find her way throught and at some point faced the so called "glass ceiling". From that experience she decided she wanted to discover and better understand how to develop constructive professional relationships, effective communication skills  and self-confidence, and trained herself in Transactional Analysis, Co-Active Coaching and talent management. Since more than 15 year now she has been working in the corporate world as a trainer and a coach, to support Managers, Executives and Solopreneurs with a professional style that sets her apart: enthusiasm, positivity, insight and a reassuring personal investment, to helps them  thrive and succeed in their professional projects, experimenting joy and fulfillment.

Convinced that women have amazing talents and a significant role to play to transform and reinvent the workplace for the better, Nathalie's mission is to work with passionnate and open minded women who want to feel aligned with their values, have a meaningful career, step up and shine to create the changes they want to see, and evolve with joy and self-confidence.


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Phone: +41792351611
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Explore our tools, and transform your life with a tailored coaching program from a One of many® Certified Women’s Coach

One of many® 2014 - 2024