A One of many® Certified Women’s Coach.

Each of these women has been through our rigorous training, feedback and certification process. She is skilled in applying our cutting edge tools and methods to help you up-level in your life.

We have coaches with specific interests such as wealth, leadership, vitality, executive, relationships, business…. As well as coaches who work more broadly on confidence and women’s power.

You can use our nifty directory to find a coach near you - although do note that many of our coaches also work virtually on Zoom or similar.

If you find a coach you resonate with, please reach out to them directly with your enquiry.

Explore our tools, and transform your life with a tailored coaching program from a One of many® Certified Women’s Coach


As women we feel the call to step up: to be more, give more, be of greater service in our work, families and communities. But we often feel stretched too thin. Perhaps a little out of control.

If the demands on your time mean you are not getting to do those things that are most important to you- we highly recommend you get support.

And the best kind of support?

Which level of coach is the best fit for you?

Certified Coach

All of these women have completed our Coach Certification and so are fully qualified as One of Many Certified Women's Coaches.

Certified Coach (Associate)

Some have completed our Coach Certification and regularly work with us "in house" to support women just like in our programmes. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Associate".


Certified Trainer

A small group have gone deeper with the work and have done further training with us. They are certified to teach the tools to larger groups having additionally completed our Trainer’s Certification. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Trainer".


Certified Trainer (Associate)

A small group have gone deeper with the work and have done further training with us. They are certified to teach the tools to larger groups having additionally completed our Trainer’s Certification. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Trainer".

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Heather Fitton

  1. Heather Fitton
Heather Fitton
United Kingdom DE4 4FR

OOM cert. coach/Assocn of Coaching/ M.A Soc Admin./B.A. Psychology/ Member British Acupuncture Council.

Heather coaches women who wish to make  changes to lead a truly fulfilled life. She has also been a Traditional Acupuncturist for over 20 years and weaves the knowings of energetic balance from this ancient craft to her particular style of coaching. Her very first career was within Fostering and Adoption Services - also testament to her nurturing ways.

Her passion for coaching falls into the theme of Legacy. The imprint you wish to leave behind,  begs consideration of what  you want to do with your energy, time and inner resources, here and now. Are you on track to achieve all this? Do you feel that there is something more in life for you? Are you clear on your life’s purpose? Has it changed or you feel it needs to? Do you have a proud heritage you want to carry forward? Do you have  stories to hand down? Are there skeletons that continue to haunt and spook your genuine expression or that of your offspring, as it passes down generations? Would you like to say goodbye to it, to leave a clear legacy?

Evidence suggest we can be directly affected by emotions and social imprint from as far back as severn generations. Similarly we can influence by our own impact as far as 7 generations hence.  Heather is passionate about Legacy and feels that for us women who give out so much in life, in a career or at home, or both, and then give out some more, it is nevertheless, our right to lead fulfilling lives which then enable us to make our best contribution. This, Heather  believes, is the essence of Legacy.

So whether you aim to contribute with a minimal carbon footprint and, or with a full and healthy emotional storehouse from which to achieve and enjoy life, Heather is confident that her coaching can and will get you where you choose to be. She will assuredly hold the platform from which you can safely examine, re-evaluate all that you wish to and further discover  talents within, yet to be brought out to play.

Whether your issues are personal, relationship and family, career, success, esteem, or health/well-being, Heather's bespoke coaching is tailored to your needs to ensure you are confident and  have a robust sense of your own purpose and direction, your Legacy. She uses the wonderful One of Many Tools to facilitate the changes you wish to make, led always from her generous heart. 

In her leisure- life she enjoys a good read and good friends but usually not together, loves her pooch with a passion, and gardens with modest and increasing success! She aspires to write and has a healthy handful of poems, lyrics and short stories some of which tell of her own personal legacy


 Testimonial 1.

“Coaching with Heather has been at an important time in my life and she has guided me to consider entrenched thoughts from a different perspective. 

 I have been able to explore my career path, relationships, physical health and overall wellbeing and the best part is, that new decisions started to seem obvious after a really short time! Heather   helped me to use time better and this in itself has been a revelation. For example I felt I was always short of time but now am swimming most days feeling good and wondering where the time went before!

 I’d recommend Heather to help you get into better patterns, to resolve those niggling barriers holding you back in your head and to help with big decisions.

Thank you Heather!” Anna,Financial Director, NGO.


Testimonial 2.

When I first went to see Heather, on a friend’s suggestion, I was in what I now recognise as complete overwhelm! I’d lost energy and motivation but couldn’t figure out why or what to do about it. Doing this coaching over a few months has made such a huge difference to me. Heather has a way of tailoring it to exactly what you need, mixing how to recognise and use the PowerTypes (Queen, Sorceress, Mother, Lover, Warriorress,) in your daily life with humour and good old down-to-earth sense.

I feel like a different person now, I can take a step back and decide which ‘hat’ (PowerType) I want to put on to meet different situations, and most importantly, I know what I need to keep myself replenished so that I am not just coping with but enjoying life.

Fiona, Senior Management Primary Education.

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Explore our tools, and transform your life with a tailored coaching program from a One of many® Certified Women’s Coach

One of many® 2014 - 2024