A One of many® Certified Women’s Coach.

Each of these women has been through our rigorous training, feedback and certification process. She is skilled in applying our cutting edge tools and methods to help you up-level in your life.

We have coaches with specific interests such as wealth, leadership, vitality, executive, relationships, business…. As well as coaches who work more broadly on confidence and women’s power.

You can use our nifty directory to find a coach near you - although do note that many of our coaches also work virtually on Zoom or similar.

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Explore our tools, and transform your life with a tailored coaching program from a One of many® Certified Women’s Coach


As women we feel the call to step up: to be more, give more, be of greater service in our work, families and communities. But we often feel stretched too thin. Perhaps a little out of control.

If the demands on your time mean you are not getting to do those things that are most important to you- we highly recommend you get support.

And the best kind of support?

Which level of coach is the best fit for you?

Certified Coach

All of these women have completed our Coach Certification and so are fully qualified as One of Many Certified Women's Coaches.

Certified Coach (Associate)

Some have completed our Coach Certification and regularly work with us "in house" to support women just like in our programmes. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Associate".


Certified Trainer

A small group have gone deeper with the work and have done further training with us. They are certified to teach the tools to larger groups having additionally completed our Trainer’s Certification. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Trainer".


Certified Trainer (Associate)

A small group have gone deeper with the work and have done further training with us. They are certified to teach the tools to larger groups having additionally completed our Trainer’s Certification. Their profiles are designated with the ribbon "Trainer".

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Fiona Lafferty

  1. Fiona Lafferty
Winchester, United Kingdom

Can you imagine a world without books? Me neither! I fell in love with books when I was six. The book that captivated me was a retelling of J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan and Wendy, illustrated by Mabel Lucie Attwell. It was big and heavy, the words sank, inky black, into the thick cream paper, and the delicate coloured illustrations on shiny paper depicted ethereal fairies and pirates. Together they conjured a magical, adventurous, dangerous world beyond my wildest imagination. The delight I felt, night after night,  as I pored over that book ignited a lifelong passion for books and reading. Fast forward several years and I am an editor in a publishing house. The first book I edited was the very memorable Observer’s Book of Mosses and Liverworts! It was the first of many books, on subjects as wide ranging as pond life, classic and vintage cars, wild flowers, painting and drawing, needlework, knitting and crochet, circular walks for motorists, military history and memoirs. I learnt so much about the publishing process during this time, not least that no manuscript comes into a publishing house in a perfect state. It passes through many hands, and much work goes into it before it reaches a bookseller’s shelf.  I worked in the book publishing industry for over 35 years, as an editor, reviewer, journalist - even a bookseller - and I loved every minute of it. I am passionate that every book should be the best version of its author’s vision that it can possibly be, and I am proud and honoured to have been a part of that process for so many authors.

I became a certified One of Many coach in 2019, and I now work with purpose-led entrepreneurs, coaches and small-business owners to make their dream of writing a book become a reality. I am building a community space where passionate business owners and would-be authors can share their writing journey alongside like-minded people. A place where you can celebrate your successes, of which there will be many, and where you can find support when the going gets tough, which it undoubtedly will from time to time. Over the years, I have assessed thousands of books. I intuitively know when something works, when a book flows, and when it doesn’t. In my bespoke 1-2-1 programme, we explore the whys and hows of writing a book, identifying anything that might have stopped you in the past. I then focus on your book, clarifying content, helping you create a structure, offering constructive feedback chapter by chapter, and guiding you towards a finished manuscript. Think of me as a book companion gently enabling you to make your book the best it can be.  You can still buy a copy of that beautiful edition of Peter Pan and Wendy that I fell in love with over 50 years ago. Imagine your book being available to future generations, 50, 75, even 100 years from now - now that is what I call a legacy!  So, if writing a book is or has ever been on your to-do list, get in touch with me and book a discovery call, and let's explore working together to make that a reality.

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Explore our tools, and transform your life with a tailored coaching program from a One of many® Certified Women’s Coach

One of many® 2014 - 2024